This year the International meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences “Problems and prospects of mineral stock efficient processing in the XXI century. Plaksinskiye chteniya – 2019” was held on 9-14 September in Irkutsk national research technical university (Irkutsk). 150 scientists and specialists of research and design institutes, higher schools and industrial enterprises from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, South Africa and France took part in the event. 200 papers, including 11 plenary papers were heard.
The meeting consisted of 4 sections:
– Process mineralogy. Disintegration and ore processing
– Flotation, gravitation, magnetic and electro-magnetic separation
– Complex processing of mineral stock, hydrometallurgical processes
– Processing of man-made raw materials. Environmental and economical aspects
A paper “Development of technology for potash ore processing” (co-authors А.V. Konobeevskikh, Е.I. Afonina) was presented by the director of technological research section of VNII Galurgii JSC S.N. Titkov. The paper considers ways of improving technology of preliminary ore de-slime and further sylvite flotation depending on mineralogical composition of water-insoluble ore impurities and liquid phase temperature, as well as on use of depressor-reagents for cationic flotation.
Plaksinskiye chteniya are held each autumn starting from 1977 in memory of an academician, a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of USSR Igor N. Plaksin. He became a founder of the Soviet research school in the sphere of mineral processing and hydrometallurgy of rare, non-ferrous and precious metals, he was a laureate of State prize of USSR twice.