Вы сейчас просматриваете Dmitriy N. Shkuratskiy awarded with a Commendation of the President of the Russian Federation

The President of the Russian Federation commended Dmitriy N. Shkuratskiy, General Director of VNII Galurgii JSC, for his labor achievements and many years of conscientious work. A corresponding order was signed and published on November 4, 2022. (Page 5)

Dmitriy Nikolayevich headed VNII Galurgii JSC in June 2012. Under his leadership, VNII Galurgii confirmed its status as a centre of potash competencies and set a course for modernization of design production and scientific section, implementation of new technologies, including modern design systems and systems of engineering calculations – BIM-technologies.

To meet production needs, the Institute carries out a wide range of scientific research for Uralkali in the field of geology and hydrogeology, methods of opening productive seams, technology of mining and processing of potash ores, creates new solutions for waste management of mining and chemical industries, develops regulatory and technical documentation in these areas. Employees of the Institute develop methods to protect mines from flooding, to ensure safety of mining works, as well as to undermine residential areas based on the study of geodynamic and geomechanical processes occurring in the rock mass.

“It is important for me to receive such a high assessment of my work – such recognition certainly inspires me to continue working actively, acquiring new competences and conquering new heights. I am happy to work for Uralkali Group, a company that provides many opportunities for realization both in the production and scientific spheres, in the field of design and engineering. Uralkali is constantly working on the development of its facilities, on increasing the safety of mining works and on improving the quality of its products, and together with the VNII Galurgii team I am ready to address the critical tasks set for us by the company, implementing advanced and innovative technologies in the projects that we develop for Uralkali,” said Dmitriy Nikolaevich.

Congratulations to Dmitriy Nikolayevich on his well-deserved award!