Employees of VNII Galurgii JSC took part in the International conference “Plaksinskiye chteniya-2021. Problems of complex and environmentally friendly processing of natural and man-made mineral raw materials“
On October 4-8, 2021 the International conference “Problems of complex and environmentally friendly processing of natural and man-made mineral raw materials“ (Plaksinskiye chteniya-2021) was held in Vladikavkaz (Republic of North Ossetia-Alania), organized by the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences dealing with the problems of mineral processing, the Institute of Integrated Subsoil Development Problems named after Academician N.V. Melnikov of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCON RAS), North Caucasus Mining and Metallurgical Institute (State Technological University).
150 representatives from 51 companies including 15 academic and 11 industry institutes, 9 large mining and metallurgical companies took part in Plaksinskiye chteniya-2021. Papers were made by the scientists of Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Mongolia. 1 Full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 35 Doctors of Sciences, 36 Candidates of Sciences including 30 young scientists participated in theplenary session and sections of the conference. 11 plenary lectures were given in the conference, 127 papers were presented in 5 sections including 30 papers – online.
The papers presented in the conference were devoted to the analysis of current state of mineral resource base of the Russian Federation, main courses of its development to provide high-tech industries with raw materials, current problems of improving the efficiency of dressing and processing of various types of minerals, development and use of new technologies and equipment for the extraction of valuable components, application of digital technologies in mining and dressing, predictive quality assessment of unconventional minerals, and possibility of its processing using methods of technological mineralogy.
Joint Stock Company VNII Galurgii delegated a team of three persons to the conference: Stanislav N. Titkov (Director of technological research section, Candidate of Science), Alexey V. Konobeevskikh (chief of research laboratory of flotation and reagents), Elena I. Afonina (leading research associate of research laboratory of flotation and reagents).
A paper “Improvement of potash ore processing technology – new flotation reagents” was presented (co-authored with the Candidate of Science S.N. Aliferova, Uralkali PJSC). The authors acquainted the scientific community with the results of laboratory and industrial tests of new reagents for flotation enrichment of potash ores. Slurry collector КЭ-40 and slurry depressor К-6 were recommended for industrial use.
The paper aroused great interest and was supported by the audience of the conference.