The priority in the design is assurance of environmental safety for construction and reconstruction objects. It is achieved through observation of ecological and sanitary legislation, assurance of rational management of natural resources, prevention and minimization of negative impact on the environment.

Main activities:

  • development of environment protection documentation: section “List of measures on environment protection”, “Assessment of the impact on the environment”, ecological substantiations, projects for recultivation of disturbed soils;
  • development of sanitary and epidemiological documentation: projects for substantiation of estimated boundaries of sanitary protection zones;
  • design of solid waste landfills and objects for storage of the waste of mining and processing of potash industry (salt tailings piles, sludge depositories);
  • development of measures on recultivation of waste disposal objects;
  • maintenance of design documentation at the state expertise, state ecological expertise, public discussions and alignment on all stages.