The institute works out a strategy for development of mineral deposits, provides design of new mines, support and increase of capacity of the operating mining plants, with complex development of process solutions for all elements of mining production based on the recent achievements in the field of science, equipment and technology to create an up-to-date long-term competitive mining company.

Main activities:

  • opening of the mine field and selection of the mining system;
  • mine ventilation;
  • internal transport and lifting;
  • water drainage;
  • backfill of the mined-out area by hydraulic and mechanical methods;
  • fire protection of mines;
  • development of mining-geological substantiations for construction of buildings and structures in the undermined areas;
  • design of protection measures of buildings, structures and natural objects on the surface;
  • design of mining allotments;
  • preparation of projects for surveying works performance;
  • formation of plans for mining works development;
  • development of mineral deposits by open-pit method.