Postgraduate education of VNII Galurgii JSC
Postgraduate education of VNII Galurgii JSC has started its history since foundation of All Union research institute of halurgy (VNIIG) in Leningrad in 1935. At present the postgraduate education of VNII Galurgii JSC is provided on the base of VNII Galurgii JSC branch in Saint Petersburg in accordance with the license of Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science Nr.2688 dated 13 December 2017.
VNII Galurgii JSC accepts postgraduate students for intramural and extramural training.
Profile 21.06.01 «Geology, exploration and development of natural resources»:
- Dressing of natural resources;
- Geotechnology (open, underground, construction);
- Geoinformatics.
Profile 18.06.01 «Process chemistry»:
- Process of inorganic substances.
Profile 12.06.01 «Photonics, instrument-making industry, optical and biotechnical systems and processes»:
- Instruments and methods for controlling environment, substances, materials and products.
Postgraduate education programs of VNII Galurgii JSC are admissible for persons having at least higher education (specialist programme or Master’s programme).
Acceptance for postgraduate education programs is performed based on the results of entrance examinations held by VNII Galurgii JSC.