Geomechanical substantiation of efficient and safe mining of potash-magnesium salt deposits is the main task of the research laboratory on geomechanics of VNII Galurgii JSC.
Main activities:
- development of geomechanical initial data for the projects on mining of potash and salt mine reserves;
- impact assessment and forecast of underground mining works on movement of the undermined surface formation and safety of civil and production objects;
- mine geomechanical monitoring;
- forecast, sustainability and development of lining methods for mining openings and mine shafts;
- determination of physical-mechanical properties of rocks;
- mathematic modelling of geodynamical and geomechanical processes in structurally inhomogeneous environments;
- development of process solutions for performance and mechanization of mining works;
- geomechanical monitoring of the process of ground surface movement;
- development of normative and technical documentation in design and maintenance of mining works.