Halurgy is a field of science and technology for exploration, mining, dressing and comprehensive processing of natural mineral salts
The history of the institute establishment is directly related to the development of potash industry in the country and in the world.
Development of national reserves of potash salts in Russia began in the 1920s of the 20th century. In 1925, the Verkhnekamskoye potash deposit, the world’s largest potash deposit, was discovered in the Urals. One of the discoverers of commercial reserves was Pavel I. Preobrazhenskiy. In 1927 after one and half a year of the work the first exploration brigade near Solikamsk found out that the potash deposits here are enormous and they are closer to the ground surface than in Germany and France. At that time a construction of the First Potash Plant started, named after the 10th anniversary of the October Revolution.

The Salt laboratory of the Academy of Sciences of USSR was created in Leningrad to strengthen and expand mineral resources base of USSR and study salt lakes and mineral salt deposits. The Laboratory was a precursor of the future All Union research and development institute of halurgy - VNIIG. The founder of the Laboratory and the first director of the Institute was Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences Vladimir P. Ilyinskiy.
Initially, the Laboratory staff studied lakes in Western Siberia, Central Asia, Pribalkhash and Priirtyshie. They studied hydrochemistry of the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay, etc. In 1935, the Laboratory received the status of the All-Union Research Institute of Halurgy, and from the mid-1930s, potash became the leading subject in the Institute's research plan.
At the beginning of the industrial development of Verkhnekamskoye deposit the institute’s specialists studied geochemistry, petrography, gas content of sylvinite and carnallite, carried out gravitational survey, planned exploration drilling in the deposit, research on dissolution rate of rock salt, sylvinite and carnallite. Major importance was given to selection and calculation of rational and safe parameters of the deposit development, determination of borders for water proof formation.
At that period the institute’s scientists began to work on the technique of magnesium metal production, which was of high public and economic importance. Fundamental research of carnallite feedstock was performed and a technique of dehydrated carnallite production for magnesium production was developed. The scientists carried out research works on hydroxide and magnesium oxide production.
During the Great Patriotic War, the Institute's activities were organised to meet the wartime requirements. Many employees were enlisted into the army. A small group of employees remained in Leningrad, engaged in the manufacture of pharmaceutical drugs to supply the citizens of Leningrad and the soldiers of the Leningrad Front.
In December 1941, the main departments of the Institute were evacuated to the areas where the raw material bases of halurgical industries were located. Five stationary groups were established to provide technological support to the existing production facilities: Solikamsk-Berezniki, Kara-Bogaz, Inder, West Siberia, Central Asia, as well as the Shor-Su Gas Party and the Mikhailovskaya Geological Exploration Party. Geological exploration and mining operations continued throughout the war years.
Under the severe conditions of the blockade of Leningrad, a small group of the Institute's employees managed to develop the technology and set up the production of necessary medicines (pharmaceutical calcium chloride, sodium chloride, magnesium sulphate, Calcex and calcium carbonate), as well as concentrated solutions of technical calcium chloride, which was used for the production of antifreeze, low-current elements and other products of defence importance.
Based on the research of VNIIG, the projects of restoration and reconstruction of Stebnikovskiy potash plant and Kalushskiy chemical and metallurgical plant in the Ukraine were created, a chemical plant in Berezniki 1 potash plant was built.
Requirements to the amount and quality of the manufactured potash products increased. It became necessary to improve processes of potash ore dressing and performing underground works when developing potash reserves in terms of safe working conditions and mechanization of mining process. All this required constant presence of the research associates of VNIIG in the production sites.
Berezniki research laboratory was created among others based on the enterprises of Berezniki and Solikamsk region for fast development and implementation of experimental research works. The first supervisor was Nadezhda N. Rudnik. In January 1958, Ninel’ N. Teterina was appointed as a senior research associate of Berezniki research laboratory.
In the 1960s, reconstruction and expansion of the first enterprise of national potash industry – Solikamsk 1 potash plant were realized under the developments of VNII Galurgii.
Flotation plants in Berezniki 1 and Soligorsk 1 potash plants (1963), in Soligorsk 2 potash plant (1965), in Stebnikovskiy potash plant (1966), in Berezniki 2 and Soligorsk 3 potash plants (1969) were built and put in commission.
Solikamsk 2 potash plant (1973) and Soligorsk 4 mine (1979) were put into operation, and in the 1980s – Solikamsk 3 potash plant (1983) and Berezniki 4 potash plant (1987) were put into operation.
A strong contribution of VNII Galurgii specialists into the development of national salt, sulphate and phosphate industry is generally recognized. The following facilities have been built and are successfully operating under the Institute’s projects: Mozyrsalt OJSC producing Extra salt (Belarus), salt mine No. 4 of the State enterprise Artyomsol (Soledar, Ukraine), one of the biggest in the world – Baskunchakskiy salt industry and Yar-Bishkadakskiy brine field (Bashkortostan), sulphate enterprises – Karabogazsul’fat (Turkmenia) and Kuchuksulphate OJSC (Altai Territory), Kingiseppskiy ore dressing phosphate complex and others.
The Institute has made real progress relating the technique of solution mining and usage of mined out chambers for storing hazardous waste and for other purposes.

The country’s needs in expansion of potash fertilizers production caused foundation of branches – research laboratories directly in potash facilities: Belarus, Kalush and Ural branches.
The Ural branch of VNIIG was established in Perm on 13th October 1972. It was responsible for scientific and technical policy at Verkhnekamskoye potash-magnesium salt deposit, and main tasks were as follows: development and implementation of new technologies; performance of design works; creation and improvement of the equipment for potash industry of Perm region. Initially, the Institute represented an integrated department where a basis for future departments and laboratories were formed. Valeriy G. Ferapontov was a head of the integrated department, later he was assigned as a chief engineer of Ural VNIIG. In 1974, the integrated department was transformed into several independent design departments. The first director of Ural research and development institute of halurgy became Victor V. Filatov. Thanks to his organisational talent, great responsibility and creative attitude to work, a team of highly-qualified specialists was formed, an engineering laboratory building was designed and constructed in a relatively short term.
Beginning the activity from performance of separate sections of projects and research works by subcontract, the Institute became the main designer of the mines of the Production enterprise Uralkali by 1978.
By the decision of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, the Institute became an authorized general designer of all the active mines of the Production enterprise Uralkali.
Under the projects of the branch formed in Perm, for the first time in domestic practice: high-altitude waste storage up to 100 meters high, facilities of interdepartmental transport, construction of the main underground fan plant and other important production facilities were realized.
Design solutions on opening, preparation and mining of south-western, south-eastern and north-eastern blocks of the mine field were realized in Perm. Main achievements of Perm Institute for that period include:
- reconstruction of the mining complex of the shaft No. 1 of Solikamsk mine;
- transfer of Solikamsk 1 potash mine from locomotive to conveyer transport;
- implementation of the central scheme for preparation of the southern block of the mine field of Solikamsk 2 potash mine with disposal of the upcast on belt entries;
- capacity increase of Kamsko-Ust’inskiy gypsum quarry without putting into operation an additional ventilation shaft.

The Institute and the branches were transformed into independent joint stock companies. In the severe period of the 1990s, Yuri V. Buksha became a Director of the closed joint stock company VNII Galurgii (in Saint Petersburg).
Thanks to him, the social stability was ensured and the Institute's labour collective was preserved. The Institute not only survived, but also managed to significantly strengthen its influence in the mining and chemical industry and agro-industrial complex. Under his leadership and with his direct participation, a technology of potassium sulphate production was developed and implemented at the Konstantinovskiy and Mendeleevskiy chemical plants, Soligorsk 4 plant, as well as food salt production at the Berezniki 4 plant. Yuri Vladimirovich participated in the design of the Baltic Bulk Terminal (BBT) for mineral fertiliser transshipment. He was the General Director of the Institute from 2006 to 2014.

Joint stock company Ural research and development institute of halurgy (Galurgia OJSC), after overcoming an economic crisis under the guidance of Arkadiy Ya. Grinberg, became one of the leading research and development institutes in potash industry.
At that time, the Institute was actively realizing a market development strategy performing works for the enterprises of Belarus, Tatarstan, Yakutia, in Gorkiy, Tula, Orenburg regions, the cities of: Berezniki, Solikamsk, Perm, Chaikovskiy.
In the first decade of the 21st century, the Ural Institute was actively developing a design process, implementing CAD.

Saint Petersburg VNIIG and Perm Institute reunited, so that with common efforts they could provide solving technical tasks for development of the technique for mining and processing potash ores in the enterprises of the biggest potash fertilizers producer not only in Russia but also in the world – Uralkali PJSC.
Over the period from 2021 to 2024, the employees of VNII Galurgii JSC carried out a set of studies to develop alternative reagent schemes for processing sylvinite ores.
A new technology for processing potash ores of various compositions using column flotation for ore desliming and sylvite flotation was developed, industrial tests of column flotation for ore desliming were conducted, and initial data were developed for designing modernized ore processing technologies at Uralkali's plants.
The technological schemes of flotation and chemical plants were audited and recommendations were developed to improve water balances of potassium chloride production.
Initial data were developed for design of excess brine processing using low-energy technology of evaporation by immersion combustion method. Regulations of the pilot plant for evaporation using immersion combustion method of carnallite brine after leaching of carnallite ore were developed.
Research was carried out and initial data were developed for the design of a pilot plant for cold pressing of flotation potassium chloride.
Based on the conducted research, optimization of the particle size distribution of crushed ore before its processing at flotation and chemical plants, as well as halite waste before underground storage was implemented.
PJSC Uralkali's Silvinite ore-dressing plant developed and implemented a new potash ore processing technology using a sludge depressor to stabilize ore processing performance when the content of insoluble residue changes.
PJSC Uralkali's finished products are monitored at the Baltic Bulk Terminal (BBT).
Over the period 2021-2024, the specialists of the VNII Galurgii Institute performed a lot of design works aimed at maintaining existing production facilities and constructing new enterprises.
In order to develop the resource base of PJSC Uralkali, projects have been developed for the construction of two new mining enterprises - Ust-Yayvinskiy mine of Berezniki potash plant and mine 3 (BKPRU-3) and Yuzhniy mine of Solikamsk potash mine 2 (SKRU-2).
The new Ust-Yayvinskiy mine with a capacity of 10 million tonnes of sylvinite ore per year will ensure the production and sale of 3 million tonnes of finished product. To date, the construction of technological facilities of the surface complex of the mine is being finalized according to the design solutions of VNII Galurgii JSC. The underground mine complex continues driving the main stripping and preparatory workings. The first mining sections were commissioned.
To process ore from the Ust-Yayvinskiy mine, projects were implemented to increase the production capacity of the BKPRU-3 processing complex.
The project of the new SKRU-2 Yuzhniy mine with a production capacity of 10 million tonnes of ore per year will provide the resource base for the processing complex of the SKRU-2 sylvinite ore dressing plant with a capacity of 2.475 million tonnes per year of potassium chloride. At present, according to the design documentation of VNII Galurgii JSC, the construction of the opening vertical shafts has been completed, and the construction of the surface mine complex is underway.
In addition, the Institute developed projects to expand the ore base of BKPRU-2 by adding an adjacent section of the deposit to the mine field of the existing mine. Thanks to these projects, the life of the mine complex was extended and the production capacity was maintained at 7.6 million tonnes of sylvinite ore per year.
The Institute's employees also prepared projects for pilot works at the BKPRU-2 mine using various systems for developing sylvinite ore reserves. In accordance with the design solutions, mining operations are carried out to increase mineral recovery from the subsurface.
Projects have been developed and implemented for the construction of waterproofing structures in mines SKRU-1, SKRU-2, BKPRU-2, BKPRU-4, which ensure safe conditions for mine operation while preserving the reserves of the opened subsoil areas.
Numerous projects aimed at maintaining the mining and backfill complexes of PJSC Uralkali's mines have been implemented. These include technical projects for the development of Verkhnekamskoe potassium-magnesium salt deposit, which were approved by the CKR-TPI of Rosnedra, as well as capital construction projects for the opening and preparation of new mining sites of the mine fields, which received positive conclusions from FAU Glavgosexpertiza of Russia.
In addition to the above-mentioned works, the Institute's specialists provide design support for technical measures to abandon the SKRU-2 mine.
Projects for the development and maintenance of tailings management facilities of PJSC Uralkali have been developed and implemented.
VNII Galurgii specialists supervise the construction of PJSC Uralkali's facilities.
VNII Galurgii JSC is celebrating its 93rd anniversary. The ability to carry out works comprehensively – from exploration works and scientific substantiation to finished projects and maintenance of construction facilities – in combination with up-to-date management enabled the Institute to develop successfully and provide high figures of production and economic activity.