Reagents play an important role in the production of potash fertilizers. The success of the enrichment process depends on their proper application. Up to 10 types of reagents can be used at the same time in the factories of PJSC Uralkali. Depending on the tasks, they are used at different stages of the technological chain. Depressant reagents are used in the flotation cycle to suppress the negative effect of water-insoluble impurities contained in the ore on the sylvin flotation.
Currently, the silvinite processing plant BKPRU-2 uses carbamide-formaldehyde resin of the KS-MF brand, which is produced in Gubakha, as a sludge depressor. As a result of the research conducted in the laboratory of flotation and reagents in cooperation with CJSC Khimsintez, an alternative reagent-depressor KS-MD was proposed. The KS-MD reagent is a product of the synthesis of urea and formaldehyde and differs from KS-MF in a lower content of free formaldehyde.
Successful pilot tests of KS-MD were carried out at BKPRU-2, which showed that it is not inferior in its technological properties to the KS-MF depressor and has the best sanitary characteristics.