In Moscow on September 16-21 2018 the XXIX International Mineral Processing Congress IMPC 2018 took place.
More than 1000 professionals and scientists on mineral processing from 25 countries took part in the international scientific forum, more than 700 papers were presented. Russian Academy of Sciences, leading Russian and foreign research institutes and universities, as well as largest global companies specializing in the sphere of equipment and technology of mineral processing took active part in the Congress.
Delegations from VNII Galurgii JSC under the guidance of the Director of technological research section Candidate of Science S.N. Titkov and from Uralkali PJSC under the guidance of the Deputy technical director Candidate of Science S.N. Aliferova participated in the Congress.
Key events of the Congress were papers on seven directions: technological mineralogy; degradation and classification; physical methods of separation – gravitation, magnet, electrostatic separation; physics-chemistry of mineral surface – theoretic foundations of flotation, flotation agents, flotation process; processing of fine-grained and slurry materials; hydro – and biometallurgy; production ecology and recycling; process modelling; agglomeration; dewatering; papers of young scientists.
Within the limits of the Congress an exhibition of new technologies, equipment, flotation agents of leading foreign companies (FLSmidth, Solway, AkzoNobel, Derric and others) was open.
Director of technological research section of VNII Galurgii JSC S.N. Titkov presented a paper «Influence of composition and molecular structure on flotation activity of oxyethylated surface-active substances» to scientific community, also he was a manager of one of the Congress’ sections on flotation process.
In the meetings with professionals from different companies the data for further research on technology improvement and implementation of potash ore processing has been obtained.